Parent Focus Group


Aims of Landywood’s Parent Focus Group

  • To enable the school to provide as many opportunities and as rich an experience as possible for the pupils.
  • To seek and represent, through a co-ordinated, collective voice, the views of parents, carers and guardians on the education provided by Landywood Primary School and on matters affecting the education, welfare and social development of the pupils.
  • Through close co-operation and partnership develop positive, constructive and solution-focussed recommendations for improvements to school's policies, systems and communications.


The term parent

For the purpose of this document and the activities of the Parent Focus Group, The term ‘parent’ relates to a parent/carer or guardian of a child currently attending Landywood Primary School.



  • As a minimum, there will be four representatives. Each member will nominate themselves to be a member of the group.
  • The membership consists of representatives (parents, carers or guardians) of children currently attending Landywood Primary School, selected as co-opted members.
  • The Headteacher will be the Chairperson of the group and will therefore automatically be a member.
  • A school Governor will also be a member. 
  • One member of the group will take minutes of the meeting to ensure there is an official record of discussions, decisions and any future action/items noted. Taking thorough minutes ensures there is a point of reference for what occurred during the meeting at any point in the future.
  • The maximum of number of members shall be 19.  Best endeavours will be made to ensure that within this number, each year group of the school is equally represented.  If more than 19 representatives wish to join the group, we will have to randomly select names from each year group’s list.
  • If a member of the group acts in a way that is considered by other members to undermine the aims of the Parent Focus Group, their membership of the Parent Focus Group will be terminated if the majority agree.



Format of meetings

  • An evening meeting will be organised each term, starting at 6pm.
  • An agenda will be produced and shared in advance of the meeting to enable members to seek the views of other parents/carers/guardians in order to enable a collective voice to be shared at meetings. The agenda will be created by the Headteacher and will comprise of:
  1. school related matters the Headteacher would like to discuss with the group
  2. agreed outcomes from previous meeting
  3. suggested ideas from the members shared at previous meeting.
  • During each meeting, members will be asked to discuss each agenda, always focussing on ensuring the three aims of the group are being achieved.
  • Specific agenda items might require a member of school staff to be invited to the meeting if the matter being discussed is linked to their role within school.  The Headteacher will co-ordinate the invitations when appropriate.
  • The agreed outcomes from each agenda item will be recorded within the minutes of the meeting.  The minutes of all meetings will be available to all families of children at Landywood and to all members of staff at the school through being published on our school website.