iPads at Landywood

We have been on quite the digital journey at Landywood over the past five years. As our world evolves and changes, moving towards a more 'digital' future, we belive that it is our duty to equip our children with the relevant skills in order to be able to best utilise technology in their future education and career paths. In order to do this, we have increased the number of iPads that we have in school so that where possible, all children have access to a device to enhance their learning.

Not only do we deliver an exciting Computing curriculum for our children, ensuring key skills are taught and embedded such as coding,  but we integrate iPads throughout our curriculum where appropriate in order to further embed children's digital literacy skills. This also allows us to improve children's typing and research skills and online safety awareness. 

We utilise iPads in the following ways in our curriculum:

  • Showbie

All pupils from year 1-6 have a Showbie account. Showbie is a digital platform that allows children to capture their learning and evidence it in their Showbie accounts. Teachers can then view, mark, comment upon and praise children for their efforts whether that be a physical practical task, a team project, a piece of artwork, a recorded drama piece or outdoor learning as part of our Natural Curriculum.

  • Century Tech

Powered by Artifical Intelligence, Century Tech is an exciting learning tool that we introduced to Landywood in 2024. Pupils from year 1-6 have their own Century accounts, where their teacher can then set their learning paths for them to access at home for their weekly homework. Each child will answer questions set for them by the AI within Century, which then automatically adjusts based on whether they answer correctly or if they need a helping hand. If a pupil struggles, the software will take the learning back a step, filling any potential gaps in learning. It will also provide help tools such as graphics or videos. If a child is doing well and answering the questions with ease, it will deepen the pupil's learning by adding depth to the questions and providing additional challenge. 

  • Magic School AI

Magic School AI is also powered by Artificial Intelligence. It is a platform where teachers can set exciting and useful learning tools for pupils to access in lessons, such as song generators, AI Image generator, challenge questions, quiz generator and a writing self help tool that children can use to improve their own work. Magic School AI is designed for Primary age pupils, therefore the tools are safe and far more strict than AI tools that can be accessed on the web browser (Chat GPT being an example) as these have an age restriction in place. 


  • Apps including integrated Apple apps

We utilise a range of other apps in school, including the apps built into iPads such as Keynote, Garage Band and iMovie. We also incorporate other apps in order to create exciting learning opportunities and Multi Media outcomes for our pupils, including Socrative Quizzes, Padlet, Plickers, Green Screen apps and Puppet Pals.